The Cyber Security Dangers of ChatGPT

As an AI language model, ChatGPT has created a new world of possibilities for businesses in terms of customer service, marketing, and product development. However, while the benefits of the AI tool are clear, it is crucial that we are aware of its security dangers and understand how cyber criminals are using ChatGPT as a new method to exploit businesses.

ChatGPT is an artificial intelligence chatbot that launched in November 2022, and is used to answer questions, assist users with tasks, and compose various types of content on an array of subject matters.

Discover the cyber security dangers of ChatGPT in the following article, and learn more about what you and your business can do to remain secure.

Sensitive Data Sharing

One of the main dangers of ChatGPT is the risk of data breaches as a result of oversharing sensitive information. As organisations increasingly rely on ChatGPT to interact with their customers and optimise business operations, the amount of sensitive data that is exchanged through the platform also increases. This includes personal information such as names, addresses, financial details, and confidential trade secrets.

If this data falls into the wrong hands, it can have serious consequences for businesses and their stakeholders. Hackers can use this information to commit identity theft, fraud, or even launch targeted cyber attacks against the company. 

Bespoke Attacks

Cyber criminals are beginning to use ChatGPT as a tool to compromise businesses by feeding it specific inputs and outputs, known as ‘training data’, which is then used to create bespoke malicious code. These inputs and outputs can include data related to a target’s infrastructure, such as server configurations, networks, and security protocols. 

Once inside, cyber criminals may remain undetected for extended periods, giving them ample time to gather sensitive data and cause significant damage to your business.


Another danger of ChatGPT is the potential for malicious actors to use the platform to spread or conduct phishing attacks. With the ability to generate highly convincing responses, ChatGPT can be used to deceive individuals into clicking malicious links or downloading infected files. 

This can lead to the installation of malware on a user’s device, which can be used to steal sensitive data or launch further cyber attacks.

What can you do?

To mitigate these risks, businesses need to take proactive steps to ensure the security of their ChatGPT interactions. This includes implementing strong authentication protocols to prevent unauthorised access to the platform, encrypting sensitive data in transit and at rest.

Businesses should regularly monitor their network for unusual activity and work with cyber security experts (that’s us!) to implement the appropriate defences and develop response plans in the event of an attack or breach.

It is also important for businesses to educate their employees about the potential dangers of ChatGPT and how to stay safe when using the service. This includes providing training on how to identify and avoid phishing attacks, as well as promoting good cyber hygiene practices such as using strong passwords and updating software and security systems.

Overall, while ChatGPT offers many benefits for individuals and businesses alike, it is important for companies to be aware of the potential cyber security risks associated with using this service. By taking proactive measures to secure the platform and educate users, businesses can ensure that they can reap the benefits of ChatGPT whilst also minimising the risks of cyber attacks and data breaches.

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