Cyber Hack

Web application scanner

Our Web Application Scanning service will ensure your websites, apps and networks are secure and running as they should be.

certification mark plus
CPD Course Provider

Cyber Hack Web App Scanning helps you…

Identify holes in your security

Our Cyber Hack penetration tests identify all known weaknesses in your network, cloud, website, apps, mobile, VoIP, database, Wi-Fi and physical space.

Protect data from hackers

Our recommended security improvements protect sensitive internal data, your customers’ data and the infrastructure systems which support it all.

Meet required security standards

Periodic penetration testing is a requirement of many security standards, including ISO 27001 and PCI DSS. Cyber Hack is your solution.

Can you afford a security incident?

Hacking, cyber breaches and internal security errors are no longer the exception

of cyber breaches will be triggered by staff error.
0 %
of companies suffer at least one cyber attack per year.
0 /10
of employees receive no cyber security training from their employer.
0 %
of UK FTSE 350 boards said they were not trained to deal with an incident.
0 %

What can we test

Why Choose Cyber Hack?

There are many benefits of choosing Citation Cyber as your cyber security solution.

Cyber security experts supporting companies worldwide

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